Some people think music plays an important role in society. Others think it is it is simply a form of entertainment. Discuss both sides and opine.

Music has always been an inseparable aspect of our lives. While some feel that this art form has a big role in society, others believe it is no more than a source of entertainment. This essay will discuss both sides of the subject before concluding. However,

On the one hand, many believe music has always played a vital role in our society. First, it is an art form that can touch a person’s soul. No one is not mesmerized by a melodious song or a sweet instrumental piece. Its impact can be understood by the fact that music has inspired people during wars, can help heal broken hearts, can help enhance focus, and boost the beauty of a celebration many times. There are songs for special occasions, harvesting, personal occasions, and even death or separation. Not just this, scientists claim that music can boost the growth of plants and that animals respond to it. Indeed, life can not be imagined without rhythm and melody. The power of music can be proved by the fact that a fine piece of it beats the barriers of borders, language, and culture; consequently, it is often said that music has a universal language.

However, some still feel that music is just another form of entertainment and must not be given much credit for bringing change to lives. People listen to music as a pastime and forget once they switch it off.

I acknowledge that music is a powerful medium and has been with us since ever and an art form that every person finds a connection with melody. It has given identity to cultures and expressions to people. Finally, there are no two thoughts that music has an impactful art form for all organisms.

Swaatii Sehgal